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L.L. Stephens

Where to Find Me

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Depending on what you are looking for… stories and lore, the latest news, giveaways of my books, get to know me as a person… here are the various avenues!

1. This website. This is where I post longer book-related pieces like my lore posts, chapter or character discussions, short stories, excerpts, juicy updates, and personal pieces. It took me a while to figure out how to make and use a website — I’m too cheap to hire a web designer, so this site is a work in progress! — but now that I’ve figured out enough to post regular content, that is what I will be doing. I have pages for blog, maps, and my work. I link to items elsewhere, generally starting with…

2. Facebook. I know a lot of people don’t like this company. I’m not a big fan myself. That said, much of my family is on Facebook. There’s also a group called Fantasy Faction, which I love for finding out and reading about new books, even if I have yet to see my own book being touted. AND I have an author page here. My page doesn’t have a lot of followers, but… those followers include family, friends, and my most ardent fans. Because it is small and friendly, and not likely to blast things around the internet, I post a lot of stuff in that group that I don’t post anywhere else. Cover teasers. Character notes. My own sketches. Feel free to join, even if all you want to do is lurk, but it's also a great place to talk with me one on one. I link my blog posts here first, sometimes days before I post links on…

3. Twitter. Want to be in on the next giveaway for one of my books? Get wind of the latest snatch of news or about a new review of my books? Have me retweet your fun or profound observations about the human condition? This is the place! I tweet daily and run frequent giveaways of books or book-related items. I also put-up weekly quotes or snippets from existing or upcoming books. Comments are almost certain to be answered or liked. Fair warning, however: if I find out that you like my books (or me), you are instantly followed.

4. Instagram. I have a presence here that is slowly growing and sometimes I run a giveaway. I like to look at other people’s bookshelves, book presentations (books displayed with flowers and coffee hit me where I live), and occasionally cute kids or pets. So unless you are trying to sell me your services I do follow back.

5. TikTok. I’m still figuring out what to do with this site. As I learn more about things I can do, expect to see short videos. Maybe I should start reading snippets from my books or stories...

6. Goodreads. I have an author page here and will eventually figure out what to do with it. I’m still not sure whether readers want to see more of authors… or less. Until then, Goodreads is a place to find reviews of my books.

7. Pinterest. I'm a visual learner... don't tell me how to do something, show me... and I adore imagery. Landscapes. Costumes. Characters. Everything. Which is just what my Pinterest boards are, collections of images that inspire my work in one way or another, sometimes completely and sometimes only in part. Some are images I have used to write descriptive passages. Among those images are characters yet to be introduced, cities or buildings yet to be seen, and a gown that makes an appearance in a later book.

8. Email. Last, but not least, I can be found by email. I enjoy hearing from readers and like to talk about my work. I don't do spoilers, though. Or at least not major ones. Write to me at

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